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Do Thyself No Harm!

Many Christians simply do not know what the Biblical attitude is on suicide, and what are the eternal consequences. This tract examines what the bible says about suicide.

Dr. Russell Tardo

Gambling: A Bad Bet

An examination of gambling from a biblical perspective. Does God oppose gambling? Is gambling sin? What about lotteries, bingos and raffles? All this and more in this informative study.

Dr. Russell Tardo

Rabbits, Eggs, and Other Easter Errors

What does an Easter Rabbit and colored Easter eggs have to do with the resurrection? Where did we get these customs? Find out in this documented, thorough but concise study.

Dr. Russell Tardo

Sunday Facts & Sabbath Fiction

This book, an apologetic for Sunday Worship, has received excellent reviews from publications such as Pulpit and Bible Study Helps, the Evangelist, the Personal Freedom Outreach Journal, and others. Provides thorough, Bible answers to Seventh-Day Adventists and other Sabbath-observing scripture-twisters.

Dr. Russell Tardo

The Spirit of Mardi Gras

Harmless fun or hellish folly? Can Christians participate in a holiday so overtly pagan? Find out the real spirit behind the Mardi Gras celebration.

Dr. Russell Tardo

The Spiritual Danger of the Martial Arts

The Spiritual Danger of the Martial Arts.

Dr. Russell Tardo

What The Bible Says About Hell

A study of Hell strictly from scriptures. Many people have said this is the most sobering and convicting publication on Hell they've ever read. Excellent for witnessing and soul winning.

Dr. Russell Tardo

What's Wrong With Halloween

Reveals the forces really behind the Halloween celebration. Read this and learn the true nature and origin of this demonic holiday.

Dr. Russell Tardo

Women in Ministry

A concise biblical study of this current trend. Almost all denominations now accept and ordain women pastors and preachers. However, is such a trend scriptural? Find out in this factual examination.

Dr. Russell Tardo




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