“Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheeps clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves” (Matt.7:15). 13 times in the Gospels Jesus warned against false prophets and teachers, and both the Old and New Testaments are full of similar warnings. Shouldn’t we know the signs of a false prophet or teacher? Is it possible that your favorite preacher is a false prophet? Here are 66 ways to tell. Naturally, no false prophet will exhibit all of these characteristics. But all false prophets will exhibit at least some of them. Here, then, are 66 characteristics of false ministers:
1. False Prophets prophesy falsely – Deut. 18:19-22; Jer.5:30-31; 14:13-16
2. False Prophets encourage idolatry – Deut.13:1-5; 1 Cor.10:20-21; Rev.2:20; 13:14-18
3. False Prophets speak from their own heart/mind/will – Jer.23:16, 21-22,25-27,30-32
4. False Prophets prophesy by the spirit of Satan – Jer. 2:8; 23:11,13; 1 Tim.4:1
5. False Prophets are immoral – Jer.23:14; Rev. 2:14, 20
6. False Prophets habitually lie – Jer.23:14; 1 Tim.4:2
7. False Prophets do not expose or rebuke sin – Jer.23:21-22,14
8. False Prophets speak frivolously – Jer.23:31-32
9. False Prophets undermine the Word of God – Jer.23:30
10. False Prophets prophesy smooth things – Isa.30:10; Jer.6:14; 8:11; 23:17
11. False Prophets masquerade as sheep – Matt.7:15; 2 Cor. 11:13-15
12. False Prophets teach doctrines contrary to Scripture – Gal.1:8, Isa.8:6
13. False Prophets exalt, boast and brag on themselves – Acts 20:29-30; 2 Pet.2:18; Jude 16
14. False Prophets sneak damnable heresies into the church – 2 Pet.2:1
15. False Prophets deny the Lord that bought them – 2 Pet.2:1; Jude 4
16. False Prophets speak evil of the truth – 2 Pet.2:2
17. False Prophets are greedy – 2 Pet.2:3; 1 Tim.6:5
18. False Prophets exploit and manipulate – 2 Pet.2:3
19. False Prophets despise other authority – 2 Pet.2:10; Jude 8
20. False Prophets are arrogant – 2 Pet.2:10
21. False Prophets are irreverent and blasphemous – 2 Pet.2:10-12; 1 Tim.1:20; Rev. 13:5-6
22. False Prophets love the high life – 2 Pet.2:13-14; Micah 2:11; Isa.28:7; 56:12
23. False Prophets are habitually lustful – 2 Pet.2:14
24. False Prophets are habitually covetous – 2 Pet.2:14; Jer.8:10; Isa.56:11
25. False Prophets have departed from the right way – 2 Pet.2:15
26. False Prophets are empty and vain – 2 Pet.2:18
27. False Prophets promote loose morality – 2 Pet.2:19; Eph.5:3-6
28. False Prophets are enslaved to various sins – 2 Pet.2:19, Jude 18
29. False Prophets deny a true incarnation of Christ – 1 Jo. 2:22; 4:3; 2 Jo.7
30. False Prophets are loved and accepted by the world – Jo.15:19; 2 Pet.2:1-2; 1 Jo.4:5
31. False Prophets distort the true doctrine of Christ – 2 Jo.9-10; Rom.16:17
32. False Prophets turn grace into disgrace – Jude 4
33. False Prophets are evil speakers, murmurers and complainers – Jude 10, 16
34. False Prophets flatter others for personal gain – Jude 16
35. False Prophets cause divisions – Jude 19; Jer.23:1-2
36. False Prophets are sensual, worldly – Jude 19; Jer.7:8-10
37. False Prophets do not have the Holy Spirit – Jude 19
38. False Prophets equate gain with godliness – 1 Tim.6:5; Rev.3:17
39. False Prophets are proud – 1 Tim.6:4; 3 Jo.9
40. False Prophets have a morbid love of controversy and strife – 1 Tim.6:3-5; 2 Tim.2:14,16,23; 1 Tim.1:4
41. False Prophets are story tellers rather than forth tellers – 2 Tim.4:3-4, 1 Tim.1:4
42. False Prophets depart from sound doctrine – 1 Tim.6:3; 2 Tim.4:3
43. False Prophets try to bring believers back under the Law – 1 Tim. 1:7; Gal.2:4; 5:1-4; Col.2:20; Titus 1:10-14
44. False Prophets destroy true faith – 1 Tim.1:19; 4:1; Micah 3:5-7
45. False Prophets are hypocritical – 1 Tim.4:1-2
46. False Prophets have a seared conscience – 1 Tim.4:2
47. False Prophets forbid what God allows – 1 Tim.4:3-5; Acts 15:28-29; 21:25
48. False Prophets preach a false gospel – Gal.1:6-8
49. False Prophets preach a false Christ – 2 Cor.11:4
50. False Prophets preach a false Holy Spirit – 2 Cor.11:4
51. False Prophets cause people to err – Mal.2:7-9; Isa. 3:12; 9:16
52. False Prophets work iniquity – Matt.7:21-23; Titus 1:16; 1 Jo.3:7-8
53. False Prophets work false miracles – Matt.7:21-23; 24:24; 2 Thess.2:9; Rev.13:13
54. False Prophets destroy the people of God – Acts 20:28-29
55. False Prophets draw disciples to themselves rather than to Christ – Acts 20:28-30; 2 Cor.4:5
56. False Prophets deny the resurrection and an afterlife – Acts 23:8
57. False Prophets serve their own belly – Rom.16:17-18
58. False Prophets speak eloquently – Rom.16:17-18; Col.2:4; Rev.13:5; Dan.7:8, 25
59. False Prophets are seductive – Rev.2:20; 1 Tim.4:1
60. False Prophets corrupt the Word of God – 2 Cor. 2:17
61. False Prophets preach the day of God’s wrath is already past – 2 Thess.2:1-3
62. False Prophets resist the truth – 2 Tim.3:8
63. False Prophets are lazy – Isa.56:10-11
64. False Prophets preach to get money – Titus 1:10-11; Isa. 56:10-11
65. False Prophets are as useless as a blind watchdog that cannot bark – Isa. 56:10-11
66. False Prophets are cursed by God – Gal.1:6-9